Monday, February 25, 2008

GROUP 93 – 2008:
curated by Luciano Penay

The American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, WDC 20016
Katzen Arts Center Rotunda

March 11- April 9, 2008 Open daily 10 am- 6 pm: parking on site
Reception: Thursday, March 20th, 5-8pm

Artists: Joan Lewis Birnbaum, Lucy J, Blankstein, Holly Bolter, Florence Gang, Milton L. Goldman, Anne Green, Frieda B. Kasden, Myrtle Katzen, Joan Kennedy, Starr Kopper, R E Levine, Jim T. Pearce, Luciano Penay, Carol Bird Ravenal, Ellouise Schoettler, Patricia Segnan, Elena Nantz Strunk, Gloria Turner, C C Vess, Margaret White

Contact: 202 362 1649 email:

Individuality and vitality of approach are the hallmarks of Group 93 – 2008.

These artists have sharpened their vision through years of painting, and through meeting together to look carefully and to question the art they make using an approach developed by Luciano Penay, Emeritus Professor of Painting at The American University. He was drawn from engineering to art by the question, “What makes a good painting?” Learning to nudge a painting into Being is the art. The paintings, prints, and textiles on exhibit have been chosen from works discussed by the group this year.

The exhibit reveals the depth of the Washington art community that circles around cosmopolitan American University from it’s location in Quonset huts on the campus to the new Katzen Arts Center. The 2008 Group 93 includes professional artists, arts activists, gallerists, art philanthropists, benefactors, two artists who studied at the Abbott School of Commercial Art on Connecticut and M in the 40’s, a textile designer; an interior designer, art professors, and an artist- surgeon who taught anatomy to medical and art students. Mr. Penay’s lively installation of the show entices us to see and look at each artwork.

The art is as unique as the artists; risks are to be found even in still life and landscapes. The unusual brilliance of the group is that there is no one style. If the group had a manifesto it would be “Every painting speaks for itself.”

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